- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- ''' ADI builder
- author: Steven Kuterna steven.kuterna@devoteam.com
- '''
- import sys
- import argparse
- import logging
- import os
- import shutil
- import yaml
- from lxml import etree as ET
- import hashlib
- from datetime import datetime
- loglevel= logging.WARNING
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- logger.setLevel(loglevel)
- ch = logging.StreamHandler()
- ch.setLevel(loglevel)
- formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
- ch.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(ch)
- def insertMetadata(tree, config):
- if config['Verb'] is None: config['Verb'] = ''
- if config['CreateDate'] is None:
- now = datetime.now()
- date = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- config['CreateDate'] = date
- try:
- attributes= { 'Asset_Class': 'package',
- 'Asset_ID': str(config['AssetId']),
- 'Asset_Name': str(config['AssetName']),
- 'Provider': str(config['Provider']),
- 'Provider_ID': str(config['ProviderId']),
- 'Product': 'MOD',
- 'Description': str(config['Description']),
- 'Creation_Date': str(config['CreateDate']),
- 'Verb': str(config['Verb']),
- 'Version_Major': str(config['VersionMajor']),
- 'Version_Minor': str(config['VersionMinor'])
- }
- except KeyError as e:
- logger.error('failed to add Metadata AMS attribute '+str(e))
- sys.exit(0)
- ET.SubElement(tree, 'AMS', attributes)
- ET.SubElement(tree, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': "Metadata_Spec_Version", 'Value': "CableLabsVOD1.1"})
- ET.SubElement(tree, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': "Provider_Content_Tier", 'Value': "VU"})
- def createAMSattributes(asset_type, metadata):
- if metadata['Verb'] is None: metadata['Verb'] = ''
- try:
- ams_attributes= { 'Asset_Class': asset_type,
- 'Asset_ID': asset_type.upper() + str(metadata['AssetId']),
- 'Asset_Name': str(metadata['AssetName'] + ' ' + asset_type),
- 'Provider': str(metadata['Provider']),
- 'Provider_ID': str(metadata['ProviderId']),
- 'Product': 'MOD',
- 'Description': str(metadata['Description'] + ' ' + asset_type),
- 'Creation_Date': str(metadata['CreateDate']),
- 'Verb': str(metadata['Verb']),
- 'Version_Major': str(metadata['VersionMajor']),
- 'Version_Minor': str(metadata['VersionMinor'])
- }
- except KeyError as e:
- logger.error('failed to add Metadata AMS attribute '+str(e))
- sys.exit(0)
- return ams_attributes
- def addAsset(tree, asset_type, asset, metadata, output):
- if not 'Content' in asset:
- for subasset in asset:
- addAsset(tree, asset_type, asset[subasset], metadata, output)
- return
- logger.info(f'insert asset: {asset}')
- ams_attributes = createAMSattributes(asset_type, metadata)
- assetTree = ET.SubElement(tree, 'Asset')
- assetMetadata = ET.SubElement(assetTree, 'Metadata')
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'AMS', ams_attributes)
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': 'Type', 'Value': asset_type})
- for element in asset:
- if type(asset[element]) is dict:
- for subelement in asset[element]:
- if type(asset[element][subelement]) is dict:
- for subsubelemment in asset[element][subelement]:
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': subsubelemment, 'Value': str(asset[element][subelement][subsubelemment])})
- else:
- if asset[element][subelement] is None:
- asset[element][subelement] = ''
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': element, 'Value': str(asset[element][subelement])})
- else:
- # is it content? add it under the Asset level
- if str(element).upper() == 'CONTENT_CHECKSUM' or str(element).upper() == 'CONTENT_FILESIZE':
- continue
- if str(element).upper() == 'CONTENT':
- if not os.path.exists(args.input):
- logger.error(f"content file {asset[element]} is not found, exiting...")
- sys.exit(0)
- ET.SubElement(assetTree, 'Content', {'Value': asset[element]})
- checksum = hashlib.md5(open(asset[element],'rb').read()).hexdigest()
- filesize = os.path.getsize(asset[element])
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': 'Content_CheckSum', 'Value': str(checksum)})
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': 'Content_Filesize', 'Value': str(filesize)})
- shutil.copyfile(asset[element], f'{output}/{asset[element]}')
- continue
- # no content, add it under the Metadata level
- if asset[element] is None:
- asset[element] = ''
- ET.SubElement(assetMetadata, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': element, 'Value': str(asset[element])})
- def addTitle(tree, title, metadata):
- logger.info(f'insert title: {title}')
- ams_attributes = createAMSattributes('title', metadata)
- titleTree = ET.SubElement(tree, 'Metadata')
- ET.SubElement(titleTree, 'AMS', ams_attributes)
- ET.SubElement(titleTree, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': 'Type', 'Value': 'title'})
- for element in title:
- # check if there are multiple elements available
- if type(title[element]) == dict:
- for subelement in title[element]:
- # check if it contains multiple attributes like Language and a Value
- if type(title[element][subelement]) == dict:
- attributes = {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': element}
- # if the attribute is the same as the element change it to 'Value'
- for subsubelement in title[element][subelement]:
- if subsubelement == element:
- attributes.update({'Value': title[element][subelement][subsubelement]})
- else:
- # just add it to the attributes list
- attributes.update({subsubelement: title[element][subelement][subsubelement]})
- # add the multiattribute element to the tree
- ET.SubElement(titleTree, 'App_Data', attributes)
- continue
- # single attribute, add to the tree
- if title[element][subelement] is None:
- title[element][subelement] = ''
- ET.SubElement(titleTree, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': element, 'Value': title[element][subelement]})
- else:
- # single element, add to the tree
- if title[element] is None:
- title[element] = ''
- ET.SubElement(titleTree, 'App_Data', {'App': 'MOD', 'Name': element, 'Value': str(title[element])})
- def insertAssets(tree, metadata, assets, output):
- for asset in assets:
- if asset.upper() == 'TITLE':
- addTitle(tree, assets[asset], metadata)
- else:
- addAsset(tree, asset, assets[asset], metadata, output)
- return
- if __name__ == "__main__" :
- argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Creates ADI from yaml...')
- argparser.add_argument('--input', required=False, default="adi.yaml", help="yaml input to build adi.xml")
- argparser.add_argument('--output', required=True, help="output directory for xml and content files")
- args = argparser.parse_args()
- logger.debug(f"generating adi based on {args.input}")
- if not os.path.exists(args.input):
- logger.error(f"file {args.input} is not found, exiting...")
- sys.exit(0)
- with open(args.input, 'r') as ymlfile:
- cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- try:
- os.mkdir(args.output)
- except FileExistsError:
- logger.warning(f'directory {args.output} already exists!')
- root = ET.Element('ADI')
- metadataTree = ET.SubElement(root, 'Metadata')
- insertMetadata(metadataTree, cfg['metadata'])
- assetTree = ET.SubElement(root, 'Asset')
- insertAssets(assetTree, cfg['metadata'], cfg['asset'], args.output)
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- try:
- tree.write(f'{args.output}/adi.xml', encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, doctype='<!DOCTYPE ADI SYSTEM "ADI.DTD">')
- except Exception as e:
- print(str(e))